Sunday, February 15, 2009

For You Jennifer

My friend, Jennifer, tagged me to do this thing called Crazy Eights, so here goes:

Favorite Shows: Since I don't have much time to watch tv I'll list my few favs and then ones I have to watch with Chris or Marlee
1. The Bachelor (my one reality tv fix)
2. King of Queens (Chris & I watch this one together & it is histerical)
3. The First 48
4. 48 Hours
5. Little Einsteins (with Marlee)
6. Blues Clues (with Marlee)
7. Oswald (once again, with Marlee)
8. UFC Ultimate Fighting (with Chris, of course. this is about all he watches)

Favorite Restaurants:
1. O'Carrs
2. Superior Grill
3. Bright Star
4. Fish Market
5. Captain Daves (Destin)
6. All Steak (Cullman)
7. Chick-fil-a
8. Nikki's West

Things that have happened today:
1. Went to morning worship at church
2. Came back home for our usual after church lunch of hot dogs
3. Mom & Dad came up for a visit to bring Marlee her Valentines gift
4. Spent some time outside. Marlee jumped on the trampoline and played on her swing set.
5. Put sheets in the washing machine
6. Went back to church to start Fireproof your Marriage study (I'm super excited about ths)
7. Came back home and ate left overs from last night
8. Updated blog

Things that I am looking forward to:
1. Being off work tomorrow and spending it with my girl
2. Getting tax and incentive money back
3. Girls trip to Nashville in a few weeks
4. Fireproof Your Marriage Life Group at church
5. Spring
6. Trips to the beach this summer
7. '09 Auburn Football (hopefully better than last year)
8. The next funny thing that comes out of my childs mouth (she cracks me up constantly!!)

Wish List:
1. Health & Happiness of my family and friends
2. For my mom & dad to live a little closer to us
3. Marlee to accept Christ at a young age
4. A vacation to the tropics just Chris & I
5. Family trip to Disney World
6. A happy surprise (God willing!!)
7. To be able to give more to help others
8. A Maid

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